Dyze Hotend and Extruder

May 10, 2021

The final result of our 5 and a half hour long stream

Hopefully, you tuned in to our livestream on Wednesday where Steven and I installed this hotend and launched our new YouTube channel Perpetual Printing. If you missed it, we’ve uploaded a 15 minute recap and also a timestamped recording of the full stream on the channel. In the future, we will be stress testing all kinds of different 3D printers and components on our production system so definitely go and subscribe to see the tests as they come out! For the Dyze hotend and extruder, we’ll be testing it over 1000 hours of printing. We’ll be printing a variety of parts from Quinly components to client projects so every aspect of its performance can be analyzed over time. We’re very curious to see how it performs because it has some features that should make it very reliable over long printing hours. We think it will be a very unique test, since we are the one of the only print farms have the ability to run prints for hundreds of hours with barely any operator time, as shown in the face shield print test we ran last fall. With your support we can do these tests with products that you’re interested in, so stop by the channel and show your support!

Some of the 897 face shields we were able to print in the 1000 hours of continuous printing we did in the fall

So what is the DyzEnd hotend and the DyzeXtruder and why are they good fits for continuous printing? Well they are both 3D printing components made by Dyze Design, a Montreal based manufacturer of high end 3D printer components. When you pick up the extruder and hotend, you can tell they are built extremely well. The hotend is incredibly small and light, yet still manages to fit in a tungsten-carbide nozzle and maximum working temperatures that allow for the printing of even the most exotic materials. The first thing you notice about the extruder is that it is super robust. The body is all metal and shaking it doesn’t make a sound. Everything is very firmly mounted in place with tight tolerances. It grips the filament on both sides and has a large gear ratio so that it can make use of a very thin NEMA 17 stepper to push 1.75mm filament with over 9 Kg (20lbs) of force. The hotend and extruder latch together to make a super constrained filament path,  suggesting that our setup should handle flexibles without issue. We decided to mount the toolhead in its direct drive configuration to really make the most out of all of the features they have. I’m sure the system would also work great in a bowden configuration, but a direct drive will give this printer some advantages to our otherwise completely bowden Quinly farm. We are also looking forward to seeing how the tungsten-carbide nozzle fares in our test. According to Dyze, it’s wear resistant enough to withstand the use of abrasive filaments like carbon and glass filled varieties, so it should handle our test without any noticeable performance reduction. This setup should be one of the toughest toolheads you can put on a printer, so it makes a good first opponent to our 1000 hour torture test.

The DyzEnd and DyzeXtruder connected in the direct drive configuration

Our livestream was focused on getting the printer set up, but once we’ve got everything built at the office we’ll be streaming its 1000 hour test on twitch.tv/3dloop! We’ll post on social media once that is running and you’ll be able to join us in pushing this extruder to the limit. What do you think we will learn about Dyze's product? Will it prove itself to be worth the money for mounting on an Ender 3? If you do want to mount one to your Ender, we've put up the mount for you to download from our Thingiverse page. If you have any more products you’d like to see us do a long term test with, send us a message @3dquesystems! Also don’t forget to tune in on our next livestream this Wednesday where we will be upgrading one of our employee’s printers with a brand new Quinly kit variation!

Last Updated
January 27, 2025
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